do |spec|          = 'readline'
spec.version       = '0.0.4'
spec.authors       = ['aycabta']         = ['']

spec.summary       = %q{Loader for "readline".}
spec.description   = <<~EOD
  This is just a loader for "readline". If Ruby has the "readline-ext" gem
  that is a native extension, this gem will load it. If Ruby does not have
  the "readline-ext" gem this gem will load "reline", a library that is
  compatible with the "readline-ext" gem and implemented in pure Ruby.
spec.homepage      = ''
spec.license       = 'Ruby'

spec.files         = Dir['BSDL', 'COPYING', '', 'lib/readline.rb']
spec.require_paths = ['lib']

spec.post_install_message = <<~EOM
  | This is just a loader for "readline". If Ruby has the "readline-ext" gem  |
  | that is a native extension, this gem will load it. If Ruby does not have  |
  | the "readline-ext" gem this gem will load "reline", a library that is     |
  | compatible with the "readline-ext" gem and implemented in pure Ruby.      |
  |                                                                           |
  | If you intend to use GNU Readline by `require 'readline'`, please install |
  | the "readline-ext" gem.                                                   |

spec.add_runtime_dependency 'reline'
